This weekend was spent out at Grandpa's.
It was rather enjoyable, seeing the family and all. And of course the best part of this being: it was opening deer season weekend. :)
(I find this party PARTICULARLY UNFAIR!)
Dad decides that Brother get's the first deer. I don't know how they could have come to this conclusion without me.
The first morning was spent out on some land that we usually start the weekend off on. We saw a pretty big buck, but it was a little dark yet and Brother could not quite get him sighted in. Plus he claims 'i don't do well under pressure and it's kind of hard when there's someone yelling SHOOT SHOOT in your ear'.
(I myself don't see how this is possible considering if i would have been yelling it would have definitely scared the buck off.) In case you didn't understand, this one got away, but less than 15 minutes later we saw 3 beautiful does a little ways out. Brother takes the shot, and one is wounded. The silly deer stay put, so I get the shot. Another wounded.
I suppose this is why Hunting was given it's name.
We spent the rest of the morning (mind you, from 7 am til 10:45 am) chasing the deer around the county i believe! But we finally came away with the one Brother wounded. We never did find my poor lady.
We saw a few that night but...yes, i'll admit it....i missed. It was too dark too see so I couldn't get a shot ;).
But the next morning we went out....and I got one. :)
Some call it Bambi, but I tell them I'm just holding out for the big 10x10 Thanksgiving Weekend.
(P.S. I'm super excited to see the family Wednesday!!!)